Ordinary Resumes Get Ignored.

Let AI Craft Yours for Success

Build your resume personalized to each company

No need to Google for templates or copy friends’ resume

Create unlimited powerful resumes using Topintech proprietary AI

Get Ready for Top Companies

Get Ready for Top Companies

Get Ready for Top Companies

Each Company Requires Different


Each Company Requires Different


Must-Do Projects

Must-Do Projects

Must-Do Projects

Add 10+ in-demand projects

Add 10+ in-demand projects

Add 10+ in-demand projects

Get an edge over other candidates

Get an edge over other candidates

Get an edge over other candidates

Easily build them at the last minute

Easily build them at the last minute

Easily build them at the last minute

Hard skills are the focus for 88% of hiring managers when reading resumes. So, do projects!

Hard skills are the focus for 88% of hiring managers when reading resumes. So, do projects!

Apply for Off-Campus Openings

Apply for Off-Campus Openings

Apply for Off-Campus Openings

Ongoing Drives

Upcoming Drives

You Missed

Ongoing Drives

Upcoming Drives

You Missed







Ongoing Drives

Upcoming Drives

You Missed

Build your resume personalized to each company

No need to Google for templates or copy friends’ resume

Create unlimited powerful resumes using Topintech proprietary AI

Ordinary Resumes Get Ignored.

Let AI Craft Yours for Success

Ordinary Resumes Get Ignored.

Let AI Craft Yours for Success

Build your resume personalized to each company

No need to Google for templates or copy friends’ resume

Create unlimited powerful resumes using Topintech proprietary AI